Web AR can track how customers interact with virtual products, so companies can know what they like and dislike. This can help companies improve their products and services.
Web AR can help companies understand their customers better so they can reach them with the right marketing messages at the right time. This can lead to more sales.
Web AR can help companies create engaging experiences that show off their brand. This can help them stand out from the competition and attract new customers.
Companies can make better decisions about their products, marketing, and sales if they know how their customers interact with them.
Web AR data can help companies identify customer pain point and provide better support.
Enabling users to see how products look and fit in their own environment, such as furniture, clothing, accessories.
Entertainment: Enhancing learning outcomes by providing interactive and gamified lessons, simulations, and quizzes, as well as access to virtual tutors and mentors.
Showcase brand identity, values, and story in a creative and memorable way.
Create social impact and awareness campaigns that can educate and inspire the users about various causes and issues.
Training staff teams, partners, or clients in a safe and realistic way e.g. staff onboarding experiences.
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